Problem: Liver Cirrhosis Patient (ETOH abuse/active drinker ) BIBA coded and died after CPR, Rescue Meds (epi etc), PRBC transfusion, fluid bolus, US demonstrated bleeding in abdomen, Intubated, distended board like abdomen, in the ED, after inserting central venous catheter we noticed patient was bleeding heavily through the site (coagulation was a problem, DIC, r/t poss to liver failure)
SMART goals
Develop 3 SMART goals related to the medication (epinephrine) and patient condition/diagnosis
-These should be goals set that you can identify by the end of your shift with this patient so you can evaluate if your goal was met or not met
For each goal, state if it was MET or NOT MET. If not met, why not? What measures were taken? Additional steps or interventions?