
Develop three course objectives regarding influencing

Course Objectives and Activities
Training and development departments are tasked with designing training programs to meet the needs of an organization. One of the first steps is to create learning objectives and design activities that satisfy them. For this assignment, you will read the scenario below, research ways to create course objectives, and in a 3- to 4-page report recommend appropriate activities.

Employees in the product service department of your company are in need of training to acquire skills for negotiating terms and conditions in contracts for outsourcing selected services. To provide them these skills, the training and development department of your company is planning to develop a course on influence and negotiation. As part of the training and development department, you have been assigned to develop a module on influence without authority, as one of the fundamental skills for this course.

Based on your research, respond to the following in approximately 3- to 4-pages:
Read chapter 3 and chapter 4 from Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sectorby Scales (2008), from ebrary as a context to what needs to be considered while writing course objectives:

Read the following pages:
Learning styles (pp. 76-81) and Adult learning-andragogy (pp. 81-82).
Aims and objectives (pp. 102-104) and Bloom's taxonomy (pp. 104-108).

Develop three course objectives regarding influencing skills-one focused on knowledge or comprehension, one tapping into application or analysis, and one requiring synthesis or evaluation.

Recommend one activity to assess each of the previously written course objectives. You should make three activity suggestions (i.e. ideas of skills to practice only). Include a justification for each choice regarding the activity you recommended.

Your final product will be a Microsoft Word document and be approximately 3- to 4-pages in length and utilize two to three scholarly sources in your research (beyond your textbook). Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Dissertation: Develop three course objectives regarding influencing
Reference No:- TGS01679323

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