
Develop the state diagram for a mod-4 counter with an even

1. Why must every computer have some amount of nonvolatile memory?

2. Find the organization and capacity of memory chips with the following pins.

a. EEPROM A0-A14, D0-D7

b. SRAM A0-A12, D0-D7

3. Answer the following.

a. How many bytes are 32 bits?

b. How many Kbytes is 1 megabyte?

c. How many megabytes is 1 gigabyte?

4. In a given byte-addressable computer, memory locations 10,000H to 9FFFFH are available for user programs. The first location is 10,000H and the last location is 9FFFFH. Calculate the following.

a. The total number of bytes available (in decimal)

b. The total number of kilobytes (in decimal)

5. What's the primary difference between DRAM and SRAM?

6. How many address bits are required to select all locations in a 512 X 8 memory?

7. How many address bits are required to select all locations in an 8K X 8 memory?

8. 1. Explain how to add an asynchronous input to a Moore machine.

9. When designing a counter, the decision to make it an asynchronous or synchronous can depend on the frequency max. How is the frequency max different between asynchronous and synchronous? Explain your rationale.

10. 5. Using Quartus II, or an equivalent VHDL entry program, develop the text file and simulation for the 74LS194A universal, bi-directional shift register. Attach the .vhd and simulation files.

11. In your own words, explain the purpose of concatenation in a VHDL signal assignment.

12. Develop the state diagram for a MOD-4 counter with an even number count sequence: 000, 010, 100, 110, 000, etc. All undefined states must return to 000.

13. In your own words, explain the difference between Mealy and Moore machines.

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Electrical Engineering: Develop the state diagram for a mod-4 counter with an even
Reference No:- TGS01279102

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