"Rhode Island," the lengthiest and most complicated of the three readings, highlighting quotations that will serve you best. note that there are three points of view on what home is: the author's (Jhumpa Lahiri's), the mother's and the father's. quotations that not only reveal what they feel about home but quotations that you know you can explain very well.
A body paragraph using the topic sentence "Jumpha Lahiri's essay "Rhode Island" reveals that home can signify different places to all three members of Lahiri's immediate family." Make sure the first word of the topic sentence is indented.
Develop the paragraph by integrating examples from the readings (quotes), explaining their significance, and clarifying why those examples are important.
DO NOT develop your paragraph with a "string of quotes." Instead, strive to choose only the best quotes and strive to integrate not necessarily the full quote but a portion of it when applicable. Make sure to explain the significance / relevance of the quote. Make sure to provide a page number within parentheses to CITE each quote.