
Develop the curricular or common core standards


Reading Project:

This project represents a summative assessment that demonstrates your acquisition of course concepts. The assignment aligns with the mandates of edTPA and certification requirements. Most importantly, it corresponds to the work that special educators do in the area of reading.

During your classroom observation, get permission to view the IEP of one of the students who is identified as struggling with reading.

View the IEP of the student with regard to the present levels of academic achievement in the reading areas. Look at the student's reading related test scores. Examine the reading goals developed for the student.

Using this, and other information from the I.E.P., write a background report on your student. Include in your report:

• The student's native language and if English is spoken in the home

• The student's special education services/ special education placement

• The student's disability classification

• Related services the student receives.

• The present levels of academic achievement in reading

• The needs of the student in the area of reading

• Test scores indicating reading performance

• Reading goals

• Test accommodations, program modifications, and other supports

• Social/emotional and physical needs

Once you have familiarized yourself with the I.E.P: Observe the student's participation during a reading-based activity. Write a description and analysis of the student's performance during this activity incorporating the following information:

• Identify the objective/standard upon which the activity is based

• How does this objective/standard align with the student's IEP goals?

• What strengths does the student display?

• What needs does the student demonstrate?

• How were these strengths and needs addressed during the activity?

• How was the student's performance assessed during the activity?

Finally, develop your own lesson that will not only address the curricular or Common Core Standards, but will also address the student's IEP goals in an area of reading. The lesson must also include procedures and a way to assess the student's learning of the objectives set forth in the lesson. Provide sample materials that you will develop for the lesson.

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Business Law and Ethics: Develop the curricular or common core standards
Reference No:- TGS02999503

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