You become the sole owner of a healthcare organization. You would like to increase marketing potential while maintaining social responsibility within your field. As a new owner, you are not afforded a budget to hire a marketing expert and must develop the marketing strategy and subsequent collateral materials yourself. Your objective for this unit it to develop a marketing package that promotes your healthcare organization. By the end of this unit, you will become the subject matter expert on developing and deploying a marketing strategy for a healthcare organization.
Your final completion must include each of the following:
Professional letter from you to the local Chamber of Commerce introducing your new healthcare organization to the community. This is your opportunity to make a good, first impression, so be sure to incorporate the elements you would want to promote.
Identify the 5 P's of healthcare marketing in your organization
Create mission and vision statements
Develop codes of professional conduct which support social responsibility in your select healthcare field
Design a print advertisement (e.g., billboard, bus, newspaper, etc.). You will provide the print advertisement that you create on a separate page in your marketing package.