
Develop the business case using best practices and research


Select any Human Resource function or program(s) and write a proposal using the LAMP framework to establish the link between business objectives and program outcomes while showing the Return on Investment (ROI), which will be approved by your senior management team, the implementation or enhancement to an HR program. (Company data below, use the Company below)


• Use the rough draft created for the assignment as the groundwork for your final paper
• Your paper should include:

o Executive overview - this should be a one page document that briefly shows your audience the bulleted highlights of the sections of your proposal.

o Program case - define the logic on your program's goals and develop the business case using best practices and research (you should include an introduction and background on your organization and establish the LAMP framework)

o Measure and analysis - Here you will detail the statistical analysis and cost impact underlining your program (show measurement system used and the economic value to your organization - use graphs, charts or models to demonstrate your analysis)

o Closing - make the case to senior management on why your program should be giving the green light (show the ROI of your program, any budget consideration and make the sale)

o References - at least 15 sources should be used throughout your proposal, primarily in the program case section

• No more than 25 pages written in APA format
• Detail the need project/program, best practices, analysis and discussion/next steps
• References should be from peer-reviewed HRM journals
• All references should be in APA format and your reference list at the end should reflect APA 6th Edition formatting

• Ability to form a strong, coherent, and convincing argument

• Accurate use of current HR information to support your argument
• Consistent use of good grammar, spelling and punctuation
• Use at least 3 out of the 5: Chi Squared Test, ANova, T test using analysis, Regression, visual data with histogram.

Background of Organization

Company ABC is a global provider of spa services, a distributor and manufacturer of professional skin, body and hair care products. The corporation also own many accredited for-profit colleges that offers programs that train students to become spa professionals. Company ABC employs over 5,000 employees. Although the corporation is experiencing an increase in growth overall, the education division could use some improvement. Employment engagement at several campuses are at its lowest. This is having a negative impact on performance, customer satisfaction, and student enrollments(sales). The education division is considered to be the most challenging division in the organization.


There will be several measurements used in this study that shows engagement as an important factor by using metrics and best practices for tying engagement to business performance. This will be measured by first using survey data collected from a total of 180 employees to determine the current levels of employee engagement. Ensuring that goal alignment is communicated effectively to employees at every level of the organization is crucial. A detailed assessment will be done to compare how goals are communicated at the campuses with the highest employment engagement scores versus the campuses with the lowest employee engagement scores. The top box scores from all campuses will be used to determines the most impactful employee engagement drivers. A combination of misery shop reports and Net Performer Scores (NPS) will be use to show the impact of employee engagement on customer satisfaction and employee performance (sales /enrollment budgets). The 140 employees used in the study was chosen from 10 different campuses. The participants ranged from entry level non-management positions to executive management roles.

Predictions and Implications

The data obtained from this study will prove that higher employee engagement is positively related to performance, customer satisfaction, and sales. Best practices will also be outlined to explore ways to keep employees engaged, how to communicate goals more effectively, and steps to create a more nurturing work environment. The implementation of these best practices will improve employee engagement which will increase customer satisfaction

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Basic Statistics: Develop the business case using best practices and research
Reference No:- TGS01969933

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