Proposal of Assignment
1. Samsung Offline Mobile Purchasing System (TITLE)
2. A "Samsung" mobile selling store which recommended for customer to purchase mobile with our offline system. We sell the latest Samsung mobile by delivering to customer's preferring address. This offline system developed for customer's efficient.
3. [First Module ] Customer need to login or create a new account to access with our offline system, by accessing to the system,
[ Second Module ]customer required to choose the product (mobile phone) and customer need to fill the payment method(bank card details) fields.
[ Third Module ]Customer need to fill address field for the product to be delivered if customer want the product to be delivered to other address beside account's address and also time and date .
[ Forth module ] Customer can suggest and comment their feedback.
[ Fifth Module ] Promotion forum.
4. This offline system developed for customer's efficient such as preferring the time/address of being the mobile to be delivered
a. User account management [ First Module ]
-Login ( admin / customer )
-Create new account (Customer/Admin)
Fields in create new account ( First Name , Last Name , UsernameID(Primary key) , Living address , Birthday ( DD/MM/YY) , Contact number , Email , Password , Confirm password )
-Update customer details
-View customer details
-Search customer (by id or name)
-Delete customer account
b. Products choosing&Payment Method [ Second Module ]
-List of Samsung mobile
-Total amount display
-Card details by customer ( Card type,Cardnumber,Name on card,CCV code)
c. Delivery address,time and date[ Third Module ]
- Blank field for the customer(user) to fill address
-Time and date to be delivered
d. Feedback [ Forth Module ]
-Customer feedback
e.Promotionforum ( Question & Answer ) [ Fifth Module ]
- Forum between admin and customers-Customer answer will stored in database
6. Hardware = Personal computer
Software = Programming language - Visual Studio
DBMS - Microsoft Access
7. Documents : ( ERD diagram , DFD diagram , Use case diagram , Database design , Wireframe )
i) Please make sure the module's like how in this proposal
ii) i need every module's field details to be stored in database (Microsoft Access)
iii) Prompt ‘MessageBox' like "Successfully Updated" , "Successfully Login" for necessary button click .
iv) Prepare the documentation which i listed in the assignment proposal
v) List of mobile phones can be any new Samsung phones with any price
vi) price per unit x total unit = total price
vii) if customer(user) didn't enter the proper data type like entering numbers on First name or Last name field or leave any field empty , please prompt the 'MessageBox' alert .If for date field please create"set date selection"field in the form
viii) Make sure don't create field like customer can fill not related things on the field
vvi) Use visual studio as programming language to create forms and the project and link Microsoft access for database