
Develop summary of a clinical practice guideline- develop a

Less than 5 years articles, No plagirasm, APA format.

Analysis and Application of Clinical

The purpose of the assignment is to provide an opportunity to apply and disseminate information based on practice summaries. The most common type of practice summary in healthcare is the clinical practice guideline (CPG).

Course Outcomes

  • Synthesize for dissemination the research findings from nursing and related disciplines (POs 1, 3, 4, 5, 9); and
  • Utilize the principles of evidence-based practice to propose strategies that can address nursing issues (POs 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9).


Through the assignment, Develop summary of a clinical practice guideline.

Develop a summary that you could use within an evidence-basedpractice (EBP) committee or related venue to share with your colleagues.

• Select (1) one of the following issues:

  1. One of the issues identified in Week 1 in Ironridge or Summerville,
  2. An issue pertinent to your practice setting.

• Search the literature and evidence-based practice websites and databases to find a recent clinical practice guideline (no more than 5 years) related to the issue you select. The course Webliography provides websites where you can find clinical practice guidelines, but there are many others available in specialty-organization websites. A good place to start is https://www.guidelines.gov/

• Analyze and critique the clinical practice guideline. Use the Clinical Practice Guideline Summary Template in DocSharing to develop your paper. Components include

  • scope and purpose of the clinical practice guidelines;
  • stakeholder involvement;
  • rigor of development;
  • clarity and presentation
  • applicability
  • editorial independence

• Note: The template is to assist you in setting up your paper so you will be sure to address those topics in your paper in addition to other information to meet the criteria for this assignment. Your paper should be in APA 6th ed format. Do not copy and paste the template into your paper.

The summary sheet is amended from the AGREE instrument on page 200 of Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2015). Your summaryshould be approximately 5-6 pages long (Paper lengths do not include cover page or reference page(s).

Length : 5-6 page

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Dissertation: Develop summary of a clinical practice guideline- develop a
Reference No:- TGS02158485

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