Goals for this assignment: Students will --
1)Compare/Contrast various aspects of an issue.
2)Continue to develop the ability to write essays unified by a thesis statement.
3)Develop strategies for effectively incorporating outside material into essays.
Background:Certain topics present paradoxes in which two contradictory claims may both merit approval. Being able to consider opposing viewpoints is crucial to writing effective essays; therefore, for this assignment, we will do just that.
Assignment: Dead Poets Society explores issues of conformity and nonconformity, of tradition versus being a free thinker. Write an essay for the following question: Which mentor is more valuable for the students, Mr. Keating or Mr. Nolan? For your essay, convey clearly the position you are taking in your thesis statement; defend your position in the body paragraphs; strengthen your argument with as much support as you feel necessary to make your case.