
develop strategic planthis assessment requires

Develop Strategic Plan

This assessment requires that you analyse the capabilities of an organisation and develop a strategic plan. To enable you to do this you must complete the following task.

Task 1 requires you to develop a strategic plan for Bounce Fitness who wants to move into the corporate arena.

Print the Bounce Fitness Corporate Marketing Plan and use this as the vehicle to achieve the new strategic plan.

Your plan should address the strategic planning, not the marketing plan specifically and be divided into five sections and each of these should address the following points:

1.  Environmental Scan

Provide copies of your SWOT and PEST and cost benefit analysis.

2.  Vision

Discuss the values of Bounce Fitness in relation to their support for this plan. If they do not directly relate, recommend changes. Then review the Vision and if necessary, adjust and provide a copy of your new vision. Remember the Vision and Mission must relate to the corporate emphasis that Bounce Fitness wants to undertake, not the Marketing Plan. The Plan is just the vehicle to make it happen.

3.  Mission

Review the Mission and if necessary, provide a copy of your recommended Mission Statement. Discuss how the values of Bounce Fitness support this plan, or if they do not, recommend changes and explain your reasoning.

4.  Critical Success Factors

List each of the success factors that you have formulated. These may be in the form of KPls and must be tied into the strategies you have suggested as well as the Mission and Vision.

5.  Strategies and Actions for Objectives

Include a list of your strategies. Each strategy should include an assigned priority, timetable, which is responsible for each of them and the performance indicators for each of them. This should be submitted as an action plan for each.

  1. State how you would gain support for your plan and from whom.
  2. State who you would circulate your plan to and why you chose these people.
  3. State the individuals who would receive briefings about the plan and why these people were included.

6.  Implementation Schedule

Include a schedule for the implementation, and ensure you have in place a strategy for monitoring and evaluating your system.

As well as the formal plan include the following documentation as appendices.

  1. Your SWOT data.
  2. Your PEST data.

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Strategic Management: develop strategic planthis assessment requires
Reference No:- TGS0209317

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