Develop strategic plans based upon the market environment

Assignment: Individual Project

Type: Individual Project

Unit: Linking Strategy to Your Plan

Deliverable Length: See assignment details

Formulate an operational strategy for the business model of their new ventures

Develop strategic plans based upon the market environment

Update your existing financial model in EZ Numbers, and apply your detailed competitive strategy to your budget. Adjust your model so that it will reach its break-even point within 36 months. If you have made any other changes to your plan, change your financial model to reflect those changes.

Be sure to complete the following:

• Post the .xlsm file (EZ Numbers macro-enabled file) to the Submit Assignments area.

• Post a document of no more than 500 words to the Submit Assignments area that summarizes the specific changes that you have made to your model.

Student Resource Videos for EZ Numbers

Student Input EZ Numbers: (9 minutes)

Student Results EZ Numbers: (9 minutes).

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Project Management: Develop strategic plans based upon the market environment
Reference No:- TGS02156137

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