
Develop proposed improvements to theory and practice in

Assignment 1: Explore Software Engineering Conferences

The goal of the first week is to become familiar with different software engineering conferences. You will gain an understanding of some of the top software engineering conferences and the types of research being conducted at these venues. The top research conferences are:

• International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)

• Foundations in Software Engineering (FSE)

• Mining Software Repositories (MSR)

• Automated Software Engineering (ASE)

Write a document in which you:

1. Explore at least two 2018 Software engineering conferences by identifying the title and location for your chosen conferences.

2. Provide a summary of your learning by illustrating the most repeated topics discussed in your selected conferences.

Your assignment must follow these requirements:

• Fully develop your ideas: While there is no specific page requirement, students are expected to fully develop their ideas using business communication language. This means you must demonstrate to your professor you have absorbed the material and understand it. A statement of fact should be supported by two or three sentences. A paragraph should only contain one idea. A fully developed idea doesn't mean an exhaustive explanation in which students write everything they know, just enough to get the point across to the reader.

• Make sure you do your own work: Never copy and paste material from the Internet unless the assignment specifically calls for that. When you do make a statement of fact, you should cite your source. You can support the fact with a quote, but use these sparingly. Most of what you submit should be your own work.

• Download the cover page and lorem ipsum outline with the proper formatting template from here. Use that with your submission.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Develop proposed improvements to theory and practice in software management.

• Apply project management techniques to manage resources and issues in software engineering.

• Write clearly and concisely about software engineering using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

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Computer Engineering: Develop proposed improvements to theory and practice in
Reference No:- TGS02835810

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