Develop process to monitor and control marketing performance

Assignment: Social Implications

Continued from previous weeks for Geek Squad

Producing and marketing a product without regard to ethical, legal, and social considerations is detrimental to the overall success of any company.

Assess in a maximum of 700 words the ethical, legal, and social issues affecting your product or service in two markets: the United States and one international market. Domestic market generally means the market where the company headquarters are located. If you choose a domestic market that is not the U.S., then your other market is required to be the U.S. marketplace. This will be added to the Target Market section of your Marketing Plan.

Include the following:

o Develop a process to monitor and control marketing performance. This process could be a flowchart but a flowchart is not required (flowcharts do not count towards your word count requirement).

Formulate a maximum 350-word executive summary including at a minimum the following elements to include in your marketing plan:

o Required executive summary elements:
o Strategic Objectives
o Products or Services
o Optional executive summary elements:
o Resources Needed
o Projected Outcomes

Integrate in summary form key elements from your previous weeks' assignments, including any changes or additional research since you originally submitted these assignments:

o Understanding Target Markets
o Promotion and the Product Life Cycle
o Price and Channel Strategy
o Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy

Format your assignment according to the give formatting requirements:

a. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

b. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

c. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: Develop process to monitor and control marketing performance
Reference No:- TGS03053271

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