Problem: To what extent does Rebecca's coaching help to develop the physical skills and creativity of the footballers?
To help answer this question, you may wish to use the Three-Stage theory to explain how people learn, and determine if Rebecca is creating a self-determining environment for the footballers to develop their skills and creativity. You should also justify your ratings on the MMCOS Form. You should also make suggestions as to how Rebecca could increase/decrease the ratings you completed on the MMCOS Form (where applicable).
Some coaching aspects that you may choose to discuss include:
- The layout, difficulty, and progression of the activity (e.g., linear vs non-linear pedagogy)
- Rebecca's instructional style (e.g., autocratic vs democratic)
- The footballers' opportunity to ask questions, problem-solve, and use creativity in the activity (e.g., autonomy-supportive)
- Rebecca's use of feedback and how it may impact the learning of physical skills. (e.g. developing a growth mindset