
Develop performance management plans for staff

Assignment Task: Work plan and Coaching Project

Task Summary:

For this task you are required to develop two performance management plans for staff and then meet with one of them to discuss and agree on the plan and to provide training.

Resources and Equipment Required Completing This Task:

A) Access to textbooks and other learning materials.

B) Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email and word processing software.

C) Boutique Build's Strategic Plan (provided as a separate document)

D) Performance Management Plan template (electronic copy provided to you)

E) Boutique Build's Code of Conduct

F) Performance Management Policy and Procedure (developed in Assessment Task 1).

When And Where Should The Task Be Completed?

Part A: This activity may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).

Part B: This activity will be completed in class time.

Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

What Needs To Be Submitted?

Part A - two draft performance management plans.

Part B - completed performance management plan and signed Code of Conduct.

Part A: Develop Work Plans

Australia Boutique Build

Boutique Build Australia's Strategic Plan and Operational plans have been published, and your performance management policy and procedure has been approved and is now ready to implement.

It is February and you are required to initiate the performance management plans with each member of your team. As per the Strategic Plan, all staff is required to have a Performance Management Plan by the end of 20XX (XX being the current year).

Use the Human Resource's Operational Plan to create a performance management plan for two of your direct reports: one must be for the Learning and Development Coordinator Larissa and the other may be for the Human Resources Support Officer or the Payroll Officer. Select the human resource objectives from the operational plan and allocate them to the most appropriate staff member. You will need to make up some of the detail in the performance management plan.

Complete the following activities:

1. In the role of Human Resource Manager, you have the responsibility of developing your team's annual work plan, based on the strategic objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan and the HR Objectives documented in the Human Resource Operational Plan.

Review the case study and the Strategic Plan and HR Operational Plan (provided to you) in detail.

Your assessor (in the role of the CEO for Boutique Build) will provide you with some information before you start writing your plan. This information will be given to you in class. Make sure you are clear on the information provided by taking notes and asking questions to clarify. You will be assessed on your participation in the discussion.

2. Develop draft performance management plans for two staff members using the Performance Management Plan template provided by your assessor. As per the case study information above, one of the plans must be for the Learning and Development Coordinator Larissa.

The plan must be in detail and each table must be completed, including:

  • At least two HR objectives allocated to each staff member.
  • At least two individual actions per HR objectives (make up the detail to match the objective).
  • At least one suitable performance indicator per HR Objective.
  • At least two suitable learning and development activities that reflect the individual objectives, the role or career development aspirations of the staff.
  • Identification and assessment of all the risks related to achieving the individual objectives.


Your draft plans are ready to be discussed with the individual team members. In line with the policy and procedure that you developed in Assessment Task 1, you are required to meet individually with staff to discuss the draft plan and come to an agreement on the detail.

Due to a number of new processes and procedures being released in the business, you are also required to train the individual on the performance management process and the Code of Conduct during the performance management plan initial meeting.

You also need to take into consideration and discuss the staff development financial support policy which stipulates that each staff member has a maximum of $2000 per year.

For this assessment you will be meeting with another student or your assessor in the role of the Learning and Development Coordinator.

Complete the following activities:

1. Meet with the Learning and Development Coordinator.

Your assessor will arrange for another student or for themselves to play the role of the Learning and Development Coordinator. Your assessor will also inform you of the date, time and location for the meeting.

You will have 30 minutes for your meeting and training session. You may present the information in a way that you deem most effective, however, the policy and procedure and the Code of Conduct must not be read word for word. Suggestions include using hand drawn flow charts, a whiteboard, PowerPoint presentations, scenarios or stories to engage the participant and draw attention to the importance of performance management and the Code of Conduct.

During the meeting you are required to:

a) Provide the staff member with a copy of their plan, the performance management policy and procedure and the Code of Conduct.

b) Train the Learning and Development Coordinator in the performance management process. Provide them with a copy of the policy and procedure that you developed.

c) Discuss the Code of Conduct and gain their understanding and agreement to abide by the expected behaviour set out.

d) Discuss each part of the performance management plan, including the staff development financial support policy, and reach agreement on the detail. Make notes for agreed changes (or have an electronic copy that you can amend during the meeting).

Also during the meeting, you are required to demonstrate the following skills:

  • Appropriate language for the meeting participant which may include language free from the use of jargon or acronyms, even tone, appropriate speed and volume of voice and clear explanations.
  • Negotiation, influencing and leadership skills to direct the discussion and reach agreement on the draft plan and Code of Conduct, and respecting and acknowledging the views and opinions of staff.
  • Effective verbal communication skills such as asking questions to indicate listening and to clarify understanding, paraphrasing and summarizing discussions and decisions.
  • Effective non-verbal communication skills such as nodding to indicate listening, smiling and friendly positive facial expressions, making eye contact, maintaining personal space and using appropriate hand gestures.

Make final changes to your plan and submit the signed Performance Management Plan and signed Code of Conduct to your assessor.

Assignment Task: Performance management project

Task Summary:

For this task you are required to assess and manage the Learning and Development Coordinator's performance through the performance review process, informal and formal feedback to termination.


  • Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
  • Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email and word processing software.

- Access to the Fair Work website:

  • Performance Management Plan (version developed in Assessment Task 2).
  • Performance Improvement Plan template.
  • Access to a computer or laptop during the review meeting (optional).


  • Part A - This activity will be completed in class time
  • Part B, C and D may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
  • Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


  • Part A - updated mid-year performance management plan and answers to questions.
  • Part B - answer to the question and script of conversation.
  • Part C - answers to the questions, the formal warning letter and Performance Improvement Plan.
  • Part D - termination letter.



Part A: Mid-Year Performance Reviews

It's July and times to conduct the mid-year performance reviews. You are required to meet with Larissa to discuss her performance over the past five months.

In preparing for your meeting you review your notes from informal meetings and feedback that you have had with Larissa over the past couple of months. In your notes you have written that you received a complaint from a staff member that had emailed Larissa on three occasions and not received a reply. Larissa's response to that situation was the staff member was rude to her and so she decided to ignore them.

Other feedback given to Larissa during that time included a commendation from another senior manager on the fantastic job she had done coaching his staff in Microsoft Word and Excel. You have also had numerous conversations regarding her attention to detail and making simple mistakes in important documents and her slack approach to punctuality - often arriving late to work, meetings and training. Larissa has laughed off your feedback, claiming that she is always late to everything and refuses to offer any other response.

You see this as unprofessional and a breach of the Code of Conduct and values of the organisation. In relation to Larissa's current performance management plan you note the following:

  • All of the training in the performance management system has been delivered, and Larissa received great feedback via the evaluation surveys.
  • The diversity training module is 3/4 of the way through being developed which is slightly behind schedule.
  • The communication plan has been created, and the training and resources have been scheduled for the diversity training which is planned for completion in November.
  • Larissa attended the project fundamentals course in March and has attended the Advanced Articulate Storyline 2 course. She has not enrolled into the Cert IV in Project Management due to budget.
  • You plan on rating her in the company values in the following way:

- Quality - M (based on her errors and mistakes, lack of attention to detail)

- Innovation - A (her amazing training delivery techniques)

- Integrity - M (based on the staff complaint)

- Respect - M (based on the staff complaint)

- Reliability - M (based on the informal conversations you have had regarding punctuality)

  • Larissa has been managing the risk control measures detailed in her plan.

Larissa is well liked by her peers and other managers and gets along with everyone most of the time. You have come to learn that she does not like public recognition for the great work that she does do. Although she is quite extroverted she is very introverted about sharing her successes. Another manager wants to recognize Larissa with an excellence award at the next staff meeting for her delivery of the performance management process training but you know this is not a good idea. You have a range of other options available to recognize her achievement.

Complete the following activities:

1. Meet with Larissa to discuss her performance.

Where possible complete this assessment with the same person you worked with in Assessment Task 2 Part B.

Take a copy of the Performance Management Plan that you developed in Assessment Task 2 for the Learning and Development Coordinator. Discuss Larissa's performance based on the scenario information, your original plan and take notes during the meeting. You will have 20 minutes for your review meeting.

In order to prepare for your discussion with Larissa, answer the following questions before your meeting:

a) How will you conduct the review meeting with Larissa? For example, will you complete the template prior to the meeting for discussion during the meeting or will you discuss the feedback and complete the template following the meeting.

b) What key steps do you need to consider when giving Larissa the performance feedback?

c) What action do you plan on taking with Larissa's poor performance (punctuality)?

d) How can you best acknowledge Larissa's achievement, given she does not like publicly sharing her successes?

During the meeting, you discuss with Larissa about adding a 30 minute reminder on all appointments in her Outlook calendar and adding alarms for appointments on her mobile phone as a way of making her more accountable for her punctuality. Larissa agrees to do this but admits to not knowing how to add or change the reminder period on an appointment in Outlook.

2. Provide coaching to Larissa on how to change the reminder time on an appointment in Outlook. The coaching model you should consider using is 'I do, We do, You do'.

Complete the coaching evaluation form provided on the last page of the Performance Management Plan.

During the meeting and coaching session you are required to demonstrate:

  • Appropriate language for the meeting participant which may include not using jargon or acronyms, even tone, appropriate speed and volume of voice and clear explanations.
  • Negotiation, influencing and leadership skills to direct the discussion and reach agreement on the draft plan and Code of Conduct, and respecting and acknowledging the views and opinions of staff.
  • Effective verbal communication skills such as asking questions to indicate listening and to clarify understanding, paraphrasing and summarizing discussions and decisions.
  • Effective non-verbal communication skills such as nodding to indicate listening, smiling and friendly positive facial expressions, making eye contact, maintaining personal space and using appropriate hand gestures.

After the meeting, answer the following questions:

e) How did you feel about having to provide positive and not so positive feedback to Larissa and do you feel you succeeded?

f) Did you do anything differently to your planned approach (from your answers to questions in Activity 1)

g) What action did you put into place for her to improve her punctuality?

h) What would you improve on for the next meeting?

Submit your updated mid-year performance management plan and the word processed answers to the questions.

Part B: Informal Feedback

It has been three weeks since Larissa's mid-year review and her punctuality has greatly improved. She has arrived for work on time each day and has been prepared and on-time for all meetings and training. You are really happy with her performance.

1. Although this is informal feedback, should you document this conversation? Provide an explanation for your response.

2. As Larissa's manager, write the script for the informal verbal feedback and recognition that you would give her. You should also check with Larissa how the action is going (that was implemented in her review meeting) and whether she needs further support in your script. The script should be half to one page in length and you do not need to include Larissa's responses.

Part C: Formal Feedback

It has been eight weeks since Larissa's mid-year review and unfortunately her punctuality has again slipped. Larissa continues to make excuses and has been caught lying to cover her lateness. She has been more than 30 minutes late for work on five occasions, was 20 minutes late for a training session with managers and failed to turn up for a team meeting.

Boutique Build's disciplinary policy and procedure indicates that following informal feedback and counseling, a formal written warning may be given as well as implementation of a Performance Improvement Plan.

You feel you have exhausted all avenues for informal coaching and counseling. Use the Fair Work website and 'managing underperformance' checklists to prepare for a formal feedback session where Larissa will be given a written warning and agree on a performance improvement plan.

1. As her manager, the Human Resource Manager, where or from whom would you seek advice and assistance from at this point? What advice or assistance would you be seeking?

2. Make a list of the things you need to do before the meeting.

3. Write a brief script for the meeting, answering these points:

i) Why are you meeting with Larissa?

j) What is the underperformance issue, and why is it an issue?

k) What steps have you taken so far to resolve the situation?

4. What details do you need to document of the meeting?

5. Write Larissa's formal warning letter. Ensure the letter is clear and concise and details the issue and the expectations moving forward and what the next step will be failing improvement. You may use Fair Work Australia's template to create this letter.

11. What would your response be to this conversation? What support could you offer?

12. Why is it important for Larissa to agree on the details of the Performance Improvement Plan?

13. Use the template provided to develop a Performance Improvement Plan for Larissa's scenario.

Submit your answers to the questions, the formal warning letter and your Performance Improvement Plan to your assessor.

Part D - Termination

Larissa's performance improvement plan has been in place for a month. The first week Larissa was motivated and upbeat and was very punctual. From week two she has slipped back into old habits and her only response has been to say sorry without explanation. You have tried on numerous occasions to refer her to the employee assistance program but she claims that there is nothing wrong and she is just on her own time! Two days ago Larissa failed to attend work, did not notify anyone and you were unable to contact her. Yesterday upon arriving for work she claimed she was unwell.

You have sought advice from the CEO and the company lawyer and the decision has been made to terminate Larissa's employment.

1. Larissa has been employed with the business for 18 months, Under the Fair Work Act 2009 what are the requirements for Boutique Build to end her employment?

2. Use Fair Work's advice to help you write Larissa's termination letter. Ensuring that you include:

  • An outline of the reasons for the termination of the her employment
  • Specify the notice period (or if Larissa will be paid in lieu of that notice)
  • Advise the last day of work.

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Tags: Work plan and Coaching Project Assignment Help, Work plan and Coaching Project Homework Help, Work plan and Coaching Project Coursework, Work plan and Coaching Project Solved Assignments, Performance Management Plan Assignment Help, Performance Management Plan Homework Help, Strategic Plan Assignment Help, Strategic Plan Homework Help, Performance Improvement Plan Assignment Help, Performance Improvement Plan Homework Help

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Other Management: Develop performance management plans for staff
Reference No:- TGS03030289

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