Develop performance appraisal techniques for an organization

Assignment: Performance Management System Proposal


1. Assess the importance of performance management within an organization.
2. Distinguish best practices of an effective performance management system within an organization.
3. Develop performance appraisal techniques for an organization.
4. Evaluate the impact of employee engagement on organizational performance.
5. Evaluate the dynamics of a performance-driven organizational culture.
6. Design a compliant performance management system that supports organizational outcomes.


You are a Human Resources consultant with expertise in organizational performance. Seeing the impact of globalization on company competitiveness, you have created a new program at your global, management consulting firm to align strategic goals throughout organizations by using an effective and strategically-aligned, performance management system.

You have a meeting scheduled to present, and potentially sell your packaged, performance management system program to your first potential client. The potential client is a fast-growing and U.S. based organization that is expected to become a global organization within the next two years, and the potential client has asked you to present your performance management system program to five of its Vice Presidents. The potential client has also asked you to demonstrate how your program will help the client improve its goal metrics.


Develop a presentation with speaker notes that:

1. Introduces your consulting firm and your credentials.

2. Discusses your performance management system package and its trademarked name.

3. Describes the benefits that your performance management system package will create for your potential client.

4. Justifies the need to discontinue traditional performance appraisal systems in favor of holistic and strategically-aligned, performance management systems.

5. Explains your holistic and packaged performance management system that includes the following:

6. SMART Goals - Demonstrates the benefits of using SMART goals to link all employee and functional activities to strategic goals.

7. Managerial Training - Explains the importance of mentor training for managers to enable the continuous and ongoing employee mentoring and feedback within a performance-driven organizational culture.

8. Employee Development and Ownership - Explains the importance of employee development and employee ownership of personal performance plans to increase employee engagement and positively impact organizational goals.

9. Performance and Feedback Technology - Presents a proprietary, smart-phone based technology that enables ongoing feedback and improvement of employee performance and development.

10. Performance Valuation - Discusses a non-traditional valuation method to support a performance-driven organizational culture.

11. Human Resources Role - Emphasizes the facilitative role of Human Resources in the strategically aligned performance management system.

12. Change Leadership - Illustrates critical success factors that minimize resistance and increase compliance and acceptance of the performance management system.

13. Concludes with a summary of your proprietary, performance management system and the benefits that it will generate for your potential client.

14. Provides attribution for credible sources used in the presentation.

Format your assignment according to the give formatting requirements:

1. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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HR Management: Develop performance appraisal techniques for an organization
Reference No:- TGS03169593

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