
Develop options for continuous improvement - conduct a

Purpose of the Assessment -

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes:

  • Determine applicable compliance requirements
  • Identify and select an appropriate compliance program/management system
  • Plan required compliance program/ management system
  • Document required compliance program/ management system
  • Establish the planned compliance program/ management system
  • Review programs, systems and processes
  • Develop options for continuous improvement
  • Implement innovative processes


Choose an organisation that you are familiar with.

You will need to access information about your organisation's current strategic directions, key business systems and processes and information relating to performance in these key business processes.

Sometimes you may not get any access to this information because of business confidential. Then to explore your information, you will need to use your commonsense, intelligence, imagination and creativity to explore your necessary data and information. This is a learning exercise.


PART 1: Review programs, systems and processes (Use AS ISO 10002:2006 Customer satisfactions - Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations)

Specific Tasks:

A. Identify and analyse changing trends in terms of positive/opportunities and negative/threats relevant to the organisation.

B. Make a list of the key systems and processes used within the organisation, or within one business unit of the organisation.

C. Outline the strategies you will use to monitor and evaluate the performance of these key systems and processes.

D. Analyse any available performance related information and variance from plans for at least one key result areas (KRA) of the organisation.  For example, you may examine data related to budget performance, customer service performance, environmental factors, financial performance, OHS, quality or any other operating parameters.

PART 2: Develop options for continuous improvement - foster creativity and innovation. (Use AS 3806:2006 Compliance programs)

Specific Tasks:

A. Conduct a brainstorming session (within your team/ if individual then consult with your friends) and generate a range of innovative ideas to improve performance of your selected business process or system.

B. Identify the primary and secondary stakeholders for your chosen organization. Get feedback from the relevant stakeholders about new ideas relevant to the organisational improvement.

C. Discuss strategies that you will use to foster innovation and creativity in the organisation.

D. Prepare a briefing session for a group of staff on how to improve performance.

PART 3: Implement innovative processes in the organisation (Use AS ISO 15489:2004 Records management)

Specific Tasks: Prepare an action plan for implementation of the innovative ideas for improvement in your chosen organization. This plan should include the following:

A. Objectives, timeframes and measures for the improvement

B. Communication plans (Stakeholders and Communication Medium)

C. Strategies to promote continuous improvement on an ongoing basis

D. Describe how you will monitor, evaluate and modify the activities and interventions you have included in your action plan in the event of non-performance or failure or to continuously improve your ideas.

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Dissertation: Develop options for continuous improvement - conduct a
Reference No:- TGS02405598

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