
Develop one idea per paragraph in longer papers section

Detailed Question: I need a 1-Page business writing article response paper, with this i attached the article and instructions which needed to be followed and provide a response for in business writing.

Cheap Coffee and the Starbucks Premium

Abstract: Starbucks's financial statements indicate that the company tries to insulate itself from exposure to currency and commodity fluctuations through hedging and advance purchase agreements. Howard Schultz, Starbucks's chief executive, told investors during the conference call last month that "mobile payments now represent 20 percent of all in-store transactions in our U.S. stores, more than double the figure from only two years ago.

Business Writing Hints

1) Avoid wordiness. Be clear, concise and specific.

2) Organize using paragraphs. Generally, develop one idea per paragraph. In longer papers section and sub-section headings can be helpful.

3) Incorporate appropriate details, facts, and illustrations to support your opinions. Avoid sweeping generalizations that are not supported by facts. For example avoid writing:"Everyone cheats on their taxes." (Unless you have facts to support the statement.)

4) Use complete sentences.

5) Use the possessive when appropriate. For example: General Electric's new plan is to reduce prices.

6) Generally avoid abbreviations. If a lengthy name or term will being used frequently write the name or term in full the first time it is used and then "define" it and use the defined abbreviation thereafter. For example: The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates the disclosure required of public companies. The SEC is a federal agency.

7) Numbers can be tricky but generally spell out numbers of less than 10; use numbers for larger. For example: three; 2,030.But don't begin a sentence with a number; in that case, spell it out.

8) Use dollar signs ($) when you write the dollar amount using numbers.

9) Capitalize words only when appropriate; proper names, the first word in a sentence, etc.

10) Generally avoid the use of slang and informal language. For example avoid writing: Circuit City is a real loser company.

11) Use correct spelling and the correct word. For example: There, their, and they're are three different words.

12) Don't use words unless you know what they mean. Do use a dictionary when needed.

13) REREAD YOUR PAPER. Spell check and grammar check are great but no substitute for rereading, or even better, have someone else read it and getting their comments.

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Dissertation: Develop one idea per paragraph in longer papers section
Reference No:- TGS01355676

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