
Develop objectives for the consulting project explain why

Consulting Plan Assignment

Using Uber Technologies (UBER) as the business.

Continue using the organization and project from Week 2.

Prepare a 1,300 - 1,500 - word Project Plan utilizing your APA Manual 6th edition format and the APA sample paper that I have posted, in which you include the following:

• Develop objectives for the consulting project.
• Explain why multiple levels of objectives are needed for a consulting project to give it direction and focus.
• Align the consulting project to the organization's business issues using one of the consulting models (e.g. waterfall model, V model, etc.).
• Discuss the overall goals of the project
• Assess the needs of the project based on the model selected (e.g. payoff needs).

Note: If you use a chart, graph, etc., please ensure you add it as an Appendix after your paper, and then format it as per the APA Manual 6th Edition. Do not use a chart, graph, etc., in the body of the paper, as they are considered appendix material. You would then explain in detail the chart, graph, etc., within the body of the paper.

The paper must include references/sources to at least 3 and no more than 5 different scholarly references/sources. No more and no less.

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Business Management: Develop objectives for the consulting project explain why
Reference No:- TGS02241896

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