
Develop numerical and graphical summaries of the data


Alumni donations are an important source of revenue for colleges and universities. If administators could determine the factors that influence increases in the percentage of alumni who make a donation,they might be able to implement policies that could lead to increased revenues. Research shows that students who are more satisfied with their contact with teachers are more likely to graduate. As a result,one might suspect that smaller class sizes and lower student-faculty ratios might lead to a higher persentage of satisfied graduates,which in turn might lead to increases in the persentage of alumni who make a donation. Table below shows data for 48 national universities(america's Best Colleges,Year 2000 ed.). The column labeled % of Classes Under 20 shows the persentage of classes offered with fewer enrolled divided by the total number of faculty. Finally, the column labeled Alumni Giving Rate is the persentage of alumni that made a donation to the university.

Managerial Report

1-Develop numerical and graphical summaries of the data.

2-use regression analysis to develop an estimated regerssion equation that could be used to predict the alumni giving rate giving the percentage of classes with fewer than 20 students.

3-Use regression analysis to develop an estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the alumni giving rate given the student-faculty ratio.

4-Which of the two estimated regression equations provides the best fit?For this estimated regression equation,perform an analysis of the residuals and discuss your findings and conclusions.

5-What conclusions and recommendations can you derive from your analysis?

School % of Classes Under 20 Student/Faculty Ratio Alumni Giving Rate
Boston College 39 13 25
Brandeis University  68 8 33
Brown University 60 8 40
California Institute of Technology 65 3 46
Carnegie Mellon University 67 10 28
Case Western Reserve Univ. 52 8 31
College of William and Mary 45 12 27
Columbia University 69 7 31
Cornell University 72 13 35
Dartmouth College 61 10 53
Duke University 68 8 45
Emory University 65 7 37
Georgetown University 54 10 29
Harvard University 73 8 46
John Hopkins University 64 9 27
Lehigh University 55 11 40
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 65 6 44
New York University 63 13 13
Northwestern University 66 8 30
Pennsylvania State Univ. 32 19 21
Princeton University 68 5 67
Rice University 62 8 40
Stanford University 69 7 34
Tufts University  67 9 29
Tulane University 56 12 17
U. of California-Berleley 58 17 18
U. of California-Davis 32 19 7
U. of California-Irvine 42 20 9
U. of California-Los Angeles 41 18 13
U. of California-San Diego 48 19 8
U. of California-Santa Barbara 45 20 12
U. of Chicago 65 4 36
U. of Florida 31 23 19
U. of Illinois-Urbana Champaign 29 15 23
U. of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51 15 13
U. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 40 16 26
U. of Notre Dame 53 13 49
U. of Pennsylvania 65 7 41
U. of Rochester 63 10 23
U. of Southern California 53 13 22
U. of Texas-Austin 39 21 13
U. of Virginia 44 13 28
U. of Washington 37 12 12
U. of Wisconsin-Madison 37 13 13
Vanderbuilt University 68 9 31
Wake Forest University 59 11 38
Washington University-St. Louis 73 7 33
Yale University 77 7 50

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Basic Statistics: Develop numerical and graphical summaries of the data
Reference No:- TGS01898569

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