
Develop nbspexpressions for the droplet evaporation and

The thermal pollution problem is associated with dis- charging warm water from an electrical power plant or from an industrial source to a natural body of water. Methods for alleviating this problem involve cooling the warm water before allowing the discharge  to occur. Two such methods, involving wet cooling tow- ers or spray ponds, rely on heat transfer from the warm water in droplet form to the surrounding atmosphere. To develop an understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to this cooling, consider a spherical droplet of diameter and temperature T, which is moving at a velocity relative to air at a temperature Too and relative humidity oo. The surroundings are characterized by the  temperature  Tsur.  Develop  expressions for the droplet evaporation and cooling rates. Calcu- late the evaporation rate (kg/s) and cooling rate (K/s) when = 3 mm, = 7 m/s, = 40°C, Too = 25°C, Tsur = 15°C, and oo = 0.60. The emissivity of water is sw  = 0.96.

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Mechanical Engineering: Develop nbspexpressions for the droplet evaporation and
Reference No:- TGS01256602

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