
Develop international influence on international scale

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Globalization by definition is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. While this can mean a company can make more profit by paying cheaper wages in a foreign country, it also takes away from supplying jobs to those living in America.

In 1984, the Food for Peace Program (PL480) was established in response to huge farm surpluses in the United States and a perceived need for food abroad. While this helped out the American farmer, commodity handlers, and shippers it did little in terms of those who were going hungry. Importing our cheaper food destroyed local markets abroad and increased their dependence on international food aid. Our exports serve as a way to keep supply and demand in balance because the cheap fossil fuels, commodity agriculture is extremely productive.

Growth in US rural manufacturing employment continued during the 1970s because of the low-wage, hardworking, non-unionized labor. High demand, low wages, and inexpensive capital made it profitable for industries to relocate their more routine production activities to rural counties. By 1979, manufacturing was the largest employer of the rural population. However, by the time the 1980s rolled around the United States was in an entirely different economic climate. The US dollar was increasing and it made it more difficult for the US to keep up with competing global markets. The answer to this was to move the manufacturing plants to developing nations, such as, Mexico, Thailand, and Bangladesh where they could pay lower wages. This left a lot of people without jobs.

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Reference No:- TGS03235302

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