
Develop initial notes of the structurefunctionality of the


You have been asked to lead a software development team to build a system fulfilling the Statement of Need below. Your team is employed by a small company. The customer wants a project that balances reasonable development cost, timely delivery, software quality, and functionality.

In this project, you will perform preliminary system engineering and create an analysis model for this system. Activities > Methodologies and Domain Application issues > Commentary for an overview of the elements of an analysis model). Completing this project will require that you do the following:

Develop initial notes of the structure/functionality of the system.
Produce an initial system specification document for the system.
Develop a detailed scenario based model by writing use cases and develop an activity diagram.
Create a behavioral model that identifies events with a use case

You will produce a software requirements specification (SRS) document for the system The SRS that you create will be a combination of the System Specification (SS) and the SRS; your SRS must include the essential components of the SS in the SRS.

Your SRS will provide the foundation for Projects 2 through 4, so it must:

Describe the customer requirements
Establish the basis for software design
Be testable, flexible, and traceable.

Statement of Need

John and Jane are starting a bed-and-breakfast (B&B) in a small New England town. They will have three bedrooms for guests. They want a system to manage the reservations and to monitor expenses and profits. When a potential customer calls for a reservation, they will check the calendar, and if there is a vacancy, they will enter the customer name, address, and phone number, dates, agreed upon price, credit card number, and room numbers. Reservations must be guaranteed by 1 day's payment. Reservations will be held without guarantee for an agreed upon time. If not guaranteed by that date, the reservation will be dropped.

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Reference No:- TGS01067557

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