
Develop incident response plan and procedures for a variety

Assignment: Read project description carefully;

Objective: Students will prepare an interview methodology and outline complete with instructions for the examiner. This will incorporate aspects of the interview process specific to a digital forensics examination. This will include developing a base interview script for interviewing victims, potential perpetrators, and other sources that can help provide insight into the investigation. Consideration should be given to developing an outline that documents information obtained from an interview.

Course Goals: 1. Develop and utilize a methodology for digital evidence collection, preservation, and analysis.

2. Develop incident response plan and procedures for a variety of digital forensic situations.

3. Evaluate environment for global/international influences and determine implications on forensic procedures.

5. Appraise appropriate digital forensic techniques for Network, Internet, and Cloud-based environments.

6. Incorporate validated forensic results into appropriate action plans, reporting, information sharing, and information archiving procedures.

Scenario: Your purpose is to develop a methodology to standardize the interview process for digital forensic examinations, as well as share information across incidents. The methodology should be adaptable to a variety of situations and circumstances, and should have the ability to be modified and improved. Outlining the methodology will provide for consistency in investigations, as well as helping to ensure that information and processes are not overlooked.

Deliverables: Develop an interview methodology for a digital forensic examination that includes instructions and definitions for the examiner. This could manifest itself as a series of forms and online resources. It is important that your product is readily available to an investigator (for example, an examiner may be in the field where web access isn't possible). Be sure to include proper document support where appropriate. Deliverable should include an outline/overview of the methodology. Please make sure to look up the term ‘methodology' if you are unfamiliar with it.

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Dissertation: Develop incident response plan and procedures for a variety
Reference No:- TGS02849998

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