You have been hired as Programmer in a Software Development Company XYZ. Company asks you to develop Health Management System of a Hospital. At the moment you are required to develop the system with following functionalities.
Patient Registration
Doctors Registration
Billing for Patient
Detailed Description:
Patient Registration
When a patient first time visits the hospital the first thing is to get him or her registered in the hospital information system. The patient is an entity with following attributes (patient id, patient name, patient sex, patient age, and patient address). A patient may be sent to outdoor or for admission to a special ward or a room. On the basis of initial prescriptions he or she is sent to the concerned Doctor.
Doctors Registration:
Hospital keeps record of all the doctors in order to have a prompt availability of all the doctors in any case. System stores following attributes of a Doctor
(DID,Doc Name, Doc Sex, Doc exp, Doc qualification, doc specialization)
A doctor does all the necessary actions in order to get the patient cured. For example Doctor checks the patient, prescribes the patient etc.
Billing to patient
When a patient gets discharged billing is also done by the system. The bill is generated on the basis of cure done to the patient. Billing is done on the basis of treatment done to the patient. i.e. out door patient and admitted patient.
It may be done on the basis of outdoor check i.e. patient only visits the doctor pays fee for doctor as well for tests if any.
If the patient is admitted, then billing is done on the basis of No. of days admitted and other charges i.e. operations / special procedures etc plus doctor fee.
Tasks you have to perform on the basis of above information
1. You have to identify the main entities (objects) and classes for this system.
2. You will have to find out the necessary attributes and functions that need to be associated with each object to implement the functionality mentioned above.
3. You have to find out the relationships between these objects, i.e association / aggregation and Composition.
4. You have to identify the inheritance among different objects / classes of the system.
5. You will make a final comprehensive object model showing all objects and their relations along with their attributes and functions.
You have to perform all these four steps g