The purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate the capacity to develop an ethical argument/s based around the four bio-ethical principles: autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Students will use their chosen topic to develop a sound ethical argument.
Three topics will be available for you on LEO. You will select one of these topics and construct a written essay. You are encouraged to choose a topic that you feel is important to you and that you feel passionate about. In relation to your selected topic:
1) Consider the application of the bioethical principles i.e. autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence.
2) Consider the application of ethical theories and other ethical concepts to the chosen topic.
3) Based on the evidence, construct a written discussion that clearly presents these ethical considerations and the ethical dilemma/s. You need to discuss both sides of the argument/s.
4) Based on the evidence determine and then specify your ethical stance.
5) Present your work in a formal academic essay.
Structure Introduction: Provides an introduction and brief background to the topic and ethical discussion, identifies the ethical stance to be argued. Body: Provides the content of the ethical arguments incorporating diverse perspectives on the bioethical principles, ethical theories, other ethical concepts. Conclusion: identifies the key ethical points argued and re-iterates the ethical stance taken.
Topics (select one topic only)
• People engaging in lifestyle behaviours detrimental to health should not be eligible for intensive care services.
• Sex selection should be a parental right.
• Childhood immunisation should be mandatory in Australia.
• Do not resuscitate orders should be instituted for all patients who have terminal conditions.