
Develop estimated regression equation used to predict data

The NFL records a cariety of performance data for individuals and teams. The year end performance data for the 2005 season is attached. Each row of hte data corresponds to a team and they are ranked by winning percentage.

WinPct: Percentage of games won
DefYds/G: Average number of yards per game given up on defense
RushYds/G: Avg number of rushing yards per game
PassYds/G: Avg number of passing yards per game
FGPct: Percentage of field goals.
TakeInt: Takeaway intercetopns; the total number of interceptions made by the team's defense.
TakeFum: Takeaway fumbles; the totla number of fumbles recovered by the team's defense.
GiveInt: Giveaway interceptions; the total number of interceptions thrown by the team's offense.
GiveFum: Giveaway fumbles: total number of fumbles lost by the team's offense

1. Use mehtods of descriptive statistics to summarize the data. Comment on the findings.
2. Decelop and estimated regression equation that can be used to predict WinPct using DefYds/G, RushYds/G, PassYds/G, and FGPct. Discuss findings.
3.Starting with the estimated regression equation developed in part 2, delete any independent variables that are not significant and decvelop a new estimated regression equation that can be used to predict the WinPct. Use a=.05
4. Some football analysts believe that turnovers are one of the most important factors in determining a team's success. With takeaways =TakeInt+TakeFum and Giveaways=GiveInt+GiveFum, let NetDiff=Takeaways-Giveaways Develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict WinPCt using NetDiff. Compare results with the estimated regression equation developed in part 3.
5. Develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict WinPct using all the data provided.

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Basic Statistics: Develop estimated regression equation used to predict data
Reference No:- TGS0105782

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