
Develop each body paragraph with scholarly support


Topic of paper is Legalizing Marijuana

My Thesis is :

Marijuana should be legalized in Texas because it possesses legitimate medical benefits, Marijuana is less toxic than other legal substances, and it costs more to keep marijuana illegal.

Your word-processed report must include at least 1,500 words but no more than 1,600 words with introduction and conclusion. (Include a note before the Reference page with your word count, text only.)


1. Use 12-point font size throughout; use either Ariel or New Times New Roman.
2. Parenthetical references must be included. Examples can be found within the body of the textbook's sample report.
3. Follow the textbook examples for everything.
4. Include a note with your word count at the end of the paper, the body of the paper (not to include Reference page).

Your report must include two graphics (placed within the body of the text)

Your report must include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources although you may have more than 5, (no encyclopedia or dictionary sources permitted) in a Reference page. (You will be assigned a grade of zero if you include unacceptable sources.) URLS are required

Your report must include parenthetical references and the Reference page/s.

This is a research paper, so the information you include should not be based on YOUR experiences or opinions. You MUST use only researched information to meet the assignment's requirements. I expect to see many, many parenthetical references as you cite all your sources.

The report must be word-processed, using the same format throughout, and bound in a report folder. Prepare and organize your report in the following order;

1. Cover Page--p. 499

2. Table of Contents-p. 501

3. Text (integrate 2 graphics within body of report (pictures)-See examples on Page 504, 506.) Include label, title, and source. Reference each in the body of the paper.

4. Conclusion/Recommendations-p. 507

5 *Reference Page-p. 508.

NOTE: In addition to the above requirements, you must turn in any photocopies or printouts of information you used to complete the research project. Highlight any information you used.

You will not receive a passing grade if these copies/printouts are not turned in with your research paper!

For hard print sources like books, you must include copies of bibliographic information. E-mail me if you're not sure what that means.

Your introduction should catch your reader's attention. Your thesis

(included at top of page in instructions) should include your topic and three main points or your plan of development.

2. This is a research paper, so the information you include should not be based on YOUR experiences or opinions. It MUST be researched information to meet the 2 assignment's requirements. I expect to see many, many parenthetical references as you cite all your sources.

3. Develop each body paragraph with scholarly support.

Information in the body paragraphs should not be based on your personal experiences or ideas. Including personal experiences or opinions will cause you to receive a failing grade.

4. Researched information must be presented and documented as shown in the textbook to avoid plagiarism.

5. Use clear transitions as you move from one main point to another.

6. Do not list any sources on your Reference pages that you do not actually cite in your paper. "Cite" means you are either paraphrasing or directly quoting.


1. Avoid contractions in formal composition.
2. Avoid first or second person in formal composition. Use third person.
3. Proofread for typos.
4. Avoid fragments, run-ons, comma splices as well as capitalization and punctuation errors.

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Other Subject: Develop each body paragraph with scholarly support
Reference No:- TGS02748390

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