
Develop detailed knowledge of the shrm needs of an

Assessment Task: Group Presentation/Report

1) Assessment Details;

Groups of 2 to 3 students will form in weeks 1 or 2. The purpose of this activity is to allow learners the opportunity to work in groups to integrate your learning in a practical way and to report their findings accordingly.

Topic instructions: Choose an organisation and develop a forward-looking SHRM plan for the next one to two years. You will need to develop the organisation's overall strategy (briefly) and then develop the ways in which HRM will help achieve that organisation's strategy.

You will need to discuss the relevant HRM activities such as: recruitment and selection, performance management, training and development, compensation, employee relations (and others as relevant) and how they will meet the organisation's objectives.

Relatively easy examples of HRM strategies would be how HRM plans to help the organisation develop overseas offices, or perhaps move to a completely online presence. The HRM strategy will depend on the business strategy.

The SHRM plan will be presented by you in class and submitted as a written report.

1. Student presentations: HR presents the HRM strategy to the Board. (20 minutes plus questions and answers).

The members of your group are to take the part of Human Resources (HR) of the organisation. You are presenting your group's HRM strategy to the Board and CEO of the organisation, which consists of the other students in the class. You can assume that the Board and CEO know a little about the organisation.

The purpose of the presentation is to outline to the Board your group's strategic HRM plan for the next 1-2 years. You should have specific items for discussion that outline how the HRM strategy will help fulfill the organisation's business strategy, such as recruitment and selection, performance management, training and development, compensation, employee relations and others as relevant.

The group needs to understand and present the business strategy (briefly) before discussing the HRM strategy.

Wider academic reading beyond the textbook is required. Remember, non-academic reading does not count as an academic reference (eg websites, media statements, company websites, etc). Include your references in a PPT at the end of the presentation. Use the APA style.

2. The written report (1,200-1,500 words).

• Use the report format

• Provide a well argued, detailed and specific SHRM plan for the organisation which discusses how each component of the HRM function will help the organisation to meet its business strategy.

• Discuss and compare your strategic HRM recommendations in relation to the relevant SHRM literature.

• Evidence of wider reading beyond the textbook is required

• Include correct in-text citations and a reference list using the APA style.

2) Criteria used to grade this task;

The objective of this assessment task is to develop your ability in a group setting to:

• Develop detailed knowledge of the SHRM needs of an organisation.

• Reflect on how organisations can effectively communicate appropriate strategies to deal with the SHRM needs to the organisation.

• Integrate multiple perspectives and methodologies in implementing an SHRM in an organisation.

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HR Management: Develop detailed knowledge of the shrm needs of an
Reference No:- TGS01111898

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