
Develop curriculum that promotes pride

Assignment Part 1:

Children learn about differences and similarities between themselves and other children in their childcare centers. For example, they might learn about the types of homes their peers live in (a house, an apartment, a condo, etc.) and how those homes compare to their own.

What are some other differences and similarities that they might notice between themselves and other children in the ECE environment? Consider those that might be simple, as well as those that might connect with larger systems of difference within our society.

Assignment Part 2:

An Early Childhood Centre may celebrate children through various conversations or curriculum projects that allow them to share information about themselves, their families, and other aspects of their lives that they are proud of. During this period, children are starting to identify themselves with their names and develop a sense of self awareness.

Explain two different ways Early Childhood Educators could develop curriculum that promotes pride.

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Reference No:- TGS03211555

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