
Develop confidence interval estimate of the mean salary


Case Problem: Compensation for Sales Professionals

Q: Suppose that a local chapter of sales professionals in the greater San Francisco area conducted a survey of its membership to study the relationship, if any, between the years of experience :low (1-10), medium (11-20 years), and high (21 or more years). A portion of the data obtained follow. The complete data set, consisting of 120 observations,is contained in the file named SalesSalary.

Managerial Report

1-Use descriptive statistics to summarize the dada.

2-Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean annual salary for all sales persons,regardless of years of experience and type of position.

3-Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean salary for inside salespersons.

4-Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean salary for outside salespersons.

5-Use analysis of variance to test for any significant differences due to position.Use a .05 level of significance,and for now, ignore the effect of years of experience.

Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

SUMMARY High Med Low Total

Count 20 20 20 60
Sum 1148449 1112155 1100627 3361231
Average 57422.45 55607.75 55031.35 56020.51667
Variance 11071404.47 12565162.41 13102346.87 12886851.58

Count 20 20 20 60
Sum 1505098 1632570 1292158 4429826
Average 75254.9 81628.5 64607.9 73830.43333
Variance 14674832.52 11926437.53 12648382.41 62773301.67

Count 40 40 40
Sum 2653547 2744725 2392785
Average 66338.675 68618.125 59819.625
Variance 94080544.43 185541915.5 36060691.16

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 9515793950 1 9515793950 751.3599289 5.32112E-52 3.924330485
Columns 1668100099 2 834050049.7 65.85596424 9.7562E-20 3.075852636
Interaction 1352066184 2 676033092.2 53.37906419 4.36842E-17 3.075852636
Within 1443782758 114 12664761.03

High Med Low

High Med Low
51027 51246 48621
Inside 51027 51246 48621
52644 51827 49422

52644 51827 49422
53231 52031 51119

53231 52031 51119
53894 52282 51948

53894 52282 51948
54592 52638 52072

54592 52638 52072
55482 52694 52833

55482 52694 52833
56339 53070 53464

56339 53070 53464
56568 53392 53464

56568 53392 53464
57366 53938 54122

57366 53938 54122
57719 54282 54891

57719 54282 54891
57788 54768 55632

57788 54768 55632
58080 56080 55959

58080 56080 55959
58749 56588 56352

58749 56588 56352
58866 57549 56461

58866 57549 56461
59253 58053 56990

59253 58053 56990
59457 58055 57670

59457 58055 57670
59768 58568 57718

59768 58568 57718
60949 59057 58814

60949 59057 58814
62115 62675 59276

62115 62675 59276
64562 63362 63799

64562 63362 63799
66320 75869 60259
Outside 66320 75869 60259
67603 76762 60561

67603 76762 60561
68569 77683 60993

68569 77683 60993
72835 78169 61128

72835 78169 61128
72914 78702 61299

72914 78702 61299
74374 78850 61680

74374 78850 61680
74389 79383 62225

74389 79383 62225
75326 80696 62283

75326 80696 62283
75791 81526 62881

75791 81526 62881
76863 81750 63478

76863 81750 63478
77311 82059 63856

77311 82059 63856
77356 82622 64288

77356 82622 64288
77403 82794 65546

77403 82794 65546
77622 83040 66024

77622 83040 66024
77801 83131 67237

77801 83131 67237
77820 83176 68560

77820 83176 68560
78074 83846 68858

78074 83846 68858
78710 86692 69142

78710 86692 69142
78936 87090 70515

78936 87090 70515
79081 88730 71345

79081 88730 71345

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Basic Statistics: Develop confidence interval estimate of the mean salary
Reference No:- TGS01895789

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