
Develop clear and concise written responses to questions

Develop clear and concise written responses to questions regarding the material covered in the module. Responses will be shared with the class and evaluated by the instructor.

The material covered in the readings will help students develop responses to the questions posed in the Discussion section.

  • Please keep the following questions in mind as you progress through this activity:What was your original understanding of the processes responsible for variation in biodiversity before beginning this course?
  • Why does biodiversity vary among regions or latitudes?

Please complete the following discussion question. To do this, click the create message button formulate your post as a response and then submit. You should also have as many reply posts to in response of your fellow classmates as needed as well.

Species-area relationships:

Identify and describe the four mechanisms proposed to explain why species diversity tends to increase proportional to area?

Post responses to each of the discussion questions by creating a 'comment' and submitting your response. You must also read other student's responses and respond to at least two with a clear and thoughtful response.

Your initial post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM. Your responses are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM.


Wilson, Edward O. (1992). The Diversity of Life. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010

Gatson, K. J., & Spicer, J. I. (2004). Biodiversity: An Introduction. Malden, Mass. Blackwell Publishing

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Biology: Develop clear and concise written responses to questions
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