In this assignment, you will write a reflection paper that is guided by several questions found below. The paper is a reflection of your experience within the Bachelor of Business Administration degree program and it should reflect your critical assessment of the level of achievement of the BBA degree program outcomes listed below:
Apply business decision tools to inform business decision-making
Integrate major principles in the functional areas of accounting, marketing, finance, human resources, and management to make business decisions
Develop business communication based on professional standards
Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of ethical, legal, and cultural dimensions in business decision-making
Apply knowledge of the global business environment
For each of the five learning outcomes write a critical reflection of your level of achievement, guided by the following questions:
In which of these learning outcomes do you judge yourself to have achieved significant proficiency? Provide examples of the work you have done throughout the course of your BBA degree to support your response.
With regards to the five BBA degree outcomes, where do you judge yourself to have achieved less proficiency? Where or in what courses or experiences within the course of the BBA Degree program did these challenges manifest the most? Explain fully and provide examples.
Reflecting on your BBA degree experience, what would you have done differently to overcome the challenges reflected in the learning outcomes in which you judge yourself to have less proficiency?