Programming and Logic 1: Java
NYS Win 4 Lottery Class Attributes:
name: "NYS Win 4"
gameTime: which may either Midday or Evening
wagerAmt: which may be $ .50 or $1.00
number: an integer value 0000 - 9999
For this assignment you are to develop both an uml diagram and the corresponding java class for a New York State Win 4 lottery ticket (ie. one instance of this object correlates to one NYS Win 4 Lottery ticket).
The actual ticket rules have been simplified to take some of the complexity out of it.
Your java class will have the following:
a name attribute (name of the ticket "NYS Win 4"),
a gameTime attribute which can only have one of two values "Midday" or "Evening",
a wagerAmt attribute which can only have one of two values .50 or 1.00,
a number attribute which can contain an integer value between 0000 - 9999
either a default constructor or an overloaded constructor or both
both the getter, setter methods for each of the attributes
a quickDraw method which uses the Random class to generate and assign the value for the number attribute
a toString method