Develop and write a discipline related survey instrument

Research Instrument Survey

Develop and write a discipline related survey instrument survey - questions should be designed to provide you input on your RFP or toward your research question. "Is there really a problem and what to do about it".

Creating your Survey Instrument

You want your survey instrument to provide useful information (data) for your topic and paper. Think in terms of two questions:

1. What problem are you trying to solve?

2. What new information do you need to solve it?

You should create three questions for each subtopic area in your outline. These questions should generate new or additional information.

If you use three questions for each three sub-topics and generate one open-end question, you will have a total of 10 questions. Think in

terms of results and the final research paper. Keep the questions simple and short.

10 Questions:

(9) Multiple choice questions required (Do not use Yes and No answer options)!

(1) Open-ended question

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Humanities: Develop and write a discipline related survey instrument
Reference No:- TGS01131268

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