
Develop and practice your close-reading skills

Assignment Instructions:

The passage I chose is from Thomas King's "OneGood Story, That One,"

For this assignment you will continue to develop and practice your close-reading skills. The passage I chose is from Thomas King's "OneGood Story, That One,", and then write an analysis of that passage. The analysis should connect to one of the course themes or issues.

To complete this assignment, you must....

Read over the selected text again and choose a quotation to close-read and analyze from the text. The quotation can be any length, but you must select something that will give you enough text to close-read and, therefore, discuss. Ideally the quotation will range from 3 to 8 sentences or lines (this is an approximation). You may use the passage that you selected for Reading Journal #2, BUT the passage must meet the length requirements and your analysis must be significantly developed from the one done for the journal.

You will submit an annotated copy of the passage with this assignment.

The analysis of the quotation should be a 500-600 word paragraph in which you offer a close-reading of the quotation. This close-reading must be informed by the critical themes and issues raised in the course. Note: You are being asked to connect the passage to a broader course theme or issue and analyze what the passage tells us about that theme or issue. This is not a personal response paper.

Secondary sources should be not be used or consulted for this assignment - I want your interpretation of the text! If in doubt, please reach out to me.

This assignment must follow MLA formatting and citation. There should be a Works Cited at the end of the assignment in which the course text is cited. Please see the template on the third page of these instructions

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Other Subject: Develop and practice your close-reading skills
Reference No:- TGS03318329

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