
Develop and pitch a reality television show this is a

Your midterm assignment is to develop and pitch a reality television show. This is a two-part assignment that includes a written portion and a 3 minute pitch.

The written part of your assignment must include the following:

1. Cover page with the title of the show, the show tag line (do not confuse this with the log line), and the show creators name (you).

2. Page two should be your 3-4 sentence longline centered in the middle of the page. It must include all the elements discussed in class (who, what, the drama, the change, the eye grab)

3. A one sheet- this must have all the elements we discussed in class and expand on the 5 elements in the logline.

4. The treatment- this should include all the elements we discussed in class. This section should be no less than three pages and not more than five.

12pt font, times new roman, single-spaced. YOU MUST TURN IN A HARD COPY! I will not accept electronic submissions.

An original reality show by Steve Giannino

We now know there's only a 4% difference between the gene sequences of humans and chimps. What if the 4%... is the poker gene
TV is drowning in celebrity blackjack, world poker championships, snooker tournaments-what a waste!! Gambling is merely a highly entertaining game of chance. And, to prove it... Welcome to Chimps and Champs.

Every week, Chimps and Champspits s a team of monkeys, chimps, and orangutans against a team of uptight professional gamblers to see who beats who on the Vegas floor. We're talking hits at the blackjack table, tossing the dice for craps, laying down chips at roulette, and of course, our lovely "Chimpettes," Pulling the pole in a team slots competition against their hottie human opponents.
Did you know you can train a monkey to scream and clap when coins come out of a machine?

In every weekly half-hour episode of Chimps and Champs, a new team of humans tries to beat the odds-and evolution-- in a chimp stacked casino. Whichever team collects the largest pot at the end of each episodes wins. The human winners get money and gifts. The chimps might get pea soup to throw at each other-or at the big baby human losers. Whichever way, we'll all get to know monkey and man a little better... and we will live for the expressions on the human players' faces every times those damn monkeys win!

The Humans- real gamblers, amateur to pro, who take gambling very seriously
The House Team- Trained primates who have been trained to respond to the signs of winning or losing.
The Dealers- Led by our main dealer, monkey trainer extraordinaire Mr. Monkey Man. These are actual animal handlers who monitor, protect and cue the monkeys.
The Cocktail Waitresses- Drinks served by more monkeys-Hot ones, of course!
The Muscle- Lets consider a trained gorilla...Losers are "bounced" from the floor.


We'll start with the over produced bio packages that introduce the teams... and finish with the "loser interviews" of the monkeys on real entertainment news programs the morning after each show. Add new media blitzes, celebrity competition specials, a Chimps & Champs holiday special...this show is a practical goldmine with endless possibilities.

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