
Develop and implement volunteer recognition scheme -

Appendix 3

Team Performance Plan Template

Name of Team: Marketing and Communications

1. Outputs, projects and deliverables: What will your main work be this year?

What elements of your work area's Business Plan will you be responsible for or contribute to? Major objectives are to:1.- improve participation in community football, specifically to increase the total number of players by 4% in 2018. ,increase the participation of girls aged between 5 and 18 by 2% in 2018 - 19.

Marketing Manager
Marketing officer
Prmotions officer
Prmotions officer

To achieve the objectives above the team will focus on the following specific areas:

Membership growth
- conduct market research to better understand population demographics of people playing soccer in South East Coast (Marketing Officer)
- Initiate marketing campaigns to promote participation in soccer (Marketing Manager/Marketing Officer)
- Ensure regular communication with members (Promotions Assistant)
- Develop relationships with the local media (Marketing Officer)

Volunteer development
- Develop and implement volunteer recognition scheme (Marketing Officer)
- Establish a volunteer database (Promotions assistant)
- Develop and implement an incentive scheme to encourage volunteers to take up volunteer roles (Marketing Officer)

Programs and Events

Conduct promotional days throughout the year (Marketing Officer/ Promotions Officer)

Conduct special event days for girls (Marketing Officer/ Promotions Officer)

Create and share interesting promotional events for the media to report on (Marketing Officer/ Promotions Officer)

Conduct a gala event each year aimed at fund raising and awareness raising (Marketing Officer/ Promotions Officer)

2. Conduct and behaviours: How will you do your work and interact with others this year? Organisation values are respect, collaboration and innovation.

Abiding by the following values, conducts and behaviours are key.
- Respect, collaboration and innovation in all areas of work.
- Innovating through collaboration
- Participating in regular meetings o Being role models

3. Knowledge and skills: What do you need to do your job well this year?
What learning, and development activities will you undertake this year and how will your new skills and knowledge be applied on the job?
- Social media training
- Further training in team working and collaboration, dealing with customers, how to innovate and communication skills for communicating with team and community.
- Community knowledge and working with a community.

This will be applied through:
- Creating a Customer focus through appreciation of interests and passion of our members and the broader football community.
- Camaraderie through recognizing the superior strength and efficiencies of good team wor
- Innovation through best practice and change
- Openness and transparency in communicating with our members, customers and the broader community.

4. Support: What support do I need to do my job well?
Are there any changes to the work environment or arrangements that would assist you to do your job?
- Ensuring there is time for meetings and collaboration
- Making more available resources such as ability to fund initiatives
- Ensure there are resources in place for holding community communication initiatives

5. How do I know if I am performing well?

What will be happening if you are performing well? (e.g. my customers are happy, I have good working relationships, my work is completed on time, my work is accurate)

Measures may include:
- manager will show appreciation of work completed - recognition
- manager will provide specific reward
- team is functioning and performing well together
- lots of contribution to team and decision making
- work is completed to the budget and timelines given
- supporting the mission and values of the club so that we reach our goals
- a good relationship is created with our customers

Your performance plan will need to be submitted to the General Manager and you will need to write a short cover letter. The cover letter should be in clearly understood English and written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. The cover letter should:
- Introduce and summarise the contents of the team performance plan
- Include a request for feedback on the team performance plan
- Include a schedule of meetings for the next 12 months to support the implementation of the actions documented in the performance plan.
The schedule should commence following the meeting date and for the next 12 months. You can decide on the frequency of the meeting.
- Include a *brief overview of the training and helopment activities that you intend to implement over the next 12 months to address training needs identified in the team performance plan.

You should include the details of at least two (2) activities that you have identified for the team and include the title of the activity, as well as the date and location and outcomes of completing the activity.

- Include an outline of the actions you intend to take to address the workplace problem raised at the meeting and a request for approval of your suggestion or feedback from to the General Manager.

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Dissertation: Develop and implement volunteer recognition scheme -
Reference No:- TGS02938735

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