
Develop and give a 20-minute presentation using powerpoint


Develop and GIVE a 20-minute presentation using PowerPoint to an audience of leaders and followers. (Audience could be a church setting, office/work setting, or other appropriate setting). There should be a minimum of 5 people in the your audience. The PowerPoint notes section should transmit your knowledge of the material. You do not need to write in APA format, but your presentation will include a reference/resources page.

At the conclusion of your presentation, each audience member should take a few minutes to fill out an evaluation form you provide to them. It should allow them to evaluate the components of the presentation (content, delivery, pacing, slide clarity, organization, etc.) and the overall value of the presentation on a standard scale, and it should provide room for additional comments.

In a separate document, submit your blank audience evaluation form, a summary discussion of the processed evaluation results, along with a statement of when and where the presentation was given and the audience to which it was given. Your summary should include at least one chart, graph, or table.

The purpose of the presentation is to

• Inform the audience about communication concepts
• Show the audience the importance of good communication
• Provide some points and tips on how to resolve conflict and successfully negotiate with others.

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Business Management: Develop and give a 20-minute presentation using powerpoint
Reference No:- TGS02468739

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