
Develop and execute a secondary analysis of an existing


A written analysis of steps 1-5 below, totaling no more than 5 pages. Three, 8-1/2" x 11" Maps presenting data using sound cartographic technique.

Task: Develop and execute a Secondary Analysis of an existing study in your field using spatial data.

Steps: Each week, an assignment will be given that will help you develop your final project. The final project should go beyond the content of the assignments, and, when complete, should reflect a formal research paper.

1. Identify an existing study in the field that can be replicated with Spatial Data. Elaborate on this study, noting the supporting theory, conflicting results, and potential intervening variables that may affect the conclusions that can be made about the results.

2. Identify and describe the data sources you will use for this analysis. Describe the data in terms of both your discipline and geospatial characteristics. Discuss the limitations and benefits of using the data. Finally, provide an example of a data set that would enhance this study. Form this link

3. Select suitable symbology to represent the data and results of your analysis. Determine the best approach for labeling techniques, and decide if data should be represented with Qualitative or Quantitative attributes.

4. Prepare a map of your data that represents information in an accurate, but attractive, manner. Consider the elements of cartographic design, and understand the difference between primary/operational data and secondary/background data. Put Atlanta maps

5. Design a Geodatabase to store and organize the information relevant to your study.

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Dissertation: Develop and execute a secondary analysis of an existing
Reference No:- TGS01631114

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