
Develop and deliver a compelling zoom video presentation


In today's fast-moving, global environment with rapid technological change and competition popping-up from all directions, it's important to harness quick, agile strategy development practices.

This assignment presents an opportunity for you to pull together everything you have been learning in this course, and leverage Jack's 5-Slide Strategy Model to organize and present you're your findings and your Winning Move.

Note: Jack's 5-slide strategy methodology can be found in Chapter 11 of Winning and is also included in summary form on the following page.


• Using a publicly traded business of your choice (including your choice in Assignments 1 and 2), develop and present a 5-slide strategy.

• You will develop your strategy from a senior executive perspective, with your intended audience being theBoard of Directors. Remember, research and presentation planning are keys to exhibiting ExecutivePresence and delivering a persuasive strategic plan.

• Develop and deliver a compelling Zoom video presentation that informs, frames, and persuades theBoard Members to support your strategic plan.

o Your presentation and should be organized around Jack's 5 slides:

Slide 1: The Playing Field

Slide 2: The Competition

Slide 3: Your Organization

Slide 4: What's Coming Around the Corner?

Slide 5: Your "game winning move"

o Your video should have a professional look and feel.

Demonstrate your Executive presence through professional dress, eye contact, and clearand confident speech that is also reflected in tone and body language.

Demonstrate Jack's 4 E's and 1 P.

o Keep your presentation within a 4-6 minute timeframe.

5-Slide Methodology Questions

Slide questions are not set in stone. Incorporate your understanding of important and relevant questions for your company and industry.

Slide 1: What the Playing Field Looks Like Now

• Who are the competitors in this business, large and small, new and old?

• Who has what share globally, and in each market? Where do we fit in?

• What are the characteristics of this business? Is it a commodity, high value, or somewhere inbetween? Is it long cycle or short? Where is it on the growth curve? What are the drivers ofprofitability?

• What are the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor? How good are its products? How muchdoes each one spend on R&D? How big is each sales force? How performance-driven is eachculture?

• Who are this business's main customers, and how do they buy?

Slide 2: What the Competition Has Been Up To

• What has each competitor done in the past year to change the playing field?

• Has anyone introduced game-changing new products, new technologies, or a new distributionchannel?

• Are there any new entrants, and what have they been up to in the past year?

Slide 3: What You've Been Up To

• What have you done in the past year to change the competitive playing field?

• Have you bought a company, introduced a new product, stolen a competitor's key salesperson, orlicensed a new technology from a startup?

• Have you lost any competitive advantages that you once had-a great salesperson, a specialproduct, a proprietary technology?

Slide 4: What's Around the Corner?

• What scares you most in the year ahead-what are one or two things a competitor could do to nailyou?

• What new products or technologies could your competitors launch that might change the game?

• What M&A deals would knock you off your feet?

Slide 5: What's Your Winning Move?

• What can you do to change the playing field-is it an acquisition, a new product, globalization?

• What can you do to make customers stick to you more than ever before and be more loyal to youthan to anyone else?

• Persuasively and logically present your "Winning Move."

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Operation Management: Develop and deliver a compelling zoom video presentation
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