
Develop and defend the case for a radical change to how the

Question: Choose a topic from the file and write 10-12 pages paper, double spaced and 12 font

Although the papers may contain elements of reported findings, students are expected to offer and defend their own thoughts and analysis on the selected topic. Students will be evaluated based on critical thinking, presentation of thought, ability to reach defendable conclusions, clarity of writing, and connection of paper to class materials and the nonprofit sector.

1. Develop and defend the case for a radical change to how the nonprofit sector operates.

2. Explore the nonprofit sector within another country and discuss how that differs from nonprofits in the United States. What can nonprofits in America learn from the other country and what can they learn for us. Can the American model of civil society and nonprofits formed by citizens flourish within the country you are writing about? What factors will allow or retard this possibility?

3. How should a society weigh private money and the right to free speech when the organization through which the speech is done receives a publicly funded tax exemption? Explore the history of the 1954 Johnson Amendment and the unfolding movement pushing for its repeal. Stake out and clearly defend a position on the repeal question.

4. Is there a relationship between the nonprofit sector and systemic oppression? How have nonprofits historically addressed institutional oppression to solve social problems? Are nonprofits and philanthropy adequately addressing these issues? Should they?

5. Given the range of communities served by nonprofits, is there an appropriate level of diversity (of all kinds) in the sector's leadership? Are minorities being adequately developed as nonprofit leaders? If no, what can be done to encourage and support their development? If yes, defend your position.

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Dissertation: Develop and defend the case for a radical change to how the
Reference No:- TGS02833175

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