
Develop an understanding of the need for organisational

Group Oral Presentation and Report


Communication in the IT workplace

Learning Outcomes

This assessment task relates to the following learning outcomes and values:

• K4. Develop an understanding of the need for organisational change, the key influence of human behaviour and its influence on organisational culture.

• S1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the cognitive and practical approaches required to manage IT professionals in collaborative, global work environments.

• S2. Utilise professional presentation and communication approaches in a range of IT workplace settings.

• V1. Appreciate the changing business and technological paradigm in which IT professionals operate.

• V2. Appreciate the global nature of the IT industry.

Group composition

The group size should be 3 except where the class size requires one group to be of size 2 or 4. Group composition is to be confirmed by the tutor who has the final say.


From the questions following, EACH GROUP MEMBER should choose ONE question and research it. The task of the team is to integrate the research done by each member and to present the result in an oral presentation of 15 minutes (excluding question time). The tutor may vary this duration if there is an oversized or undersized group. The content of the presentation should be based on research evidence rather than personal opinion. It should assume that the audience is familiar with all course materials and should go beyond these materials. Although the focus is on the IT workplace, generic business resources should also prove useful.

Research questions

• What are the advantages of using "I messages", when could they be most effectively used in an IT work place?
• To what extent are good working relationships between IT professionals dependent on effective communication?
• What positive and negative impacts can diversity in teams have in an IT workplace?
• What are the positive and negative effects of change in an organisation? Does the organisation's culture influence the effects?
• How can emotional intelligence lead to harmonious and productive work environments?
• Is conflict always bad in a work place? How could conflict be mitigated or resolved?
• Why is money not always the best motivator, what other motivations influence IT professionals to be empowered and satisfied?
• How can leadership styles be used to improve the success of teams?
• What are the benefits and costs of collaboration in development of IT workplace research?


The activity of the group should be described in a group report that is to be submitted with the presentation file.

The contents of the report should include (not necessarily in the order given here):

• A list of responsibilities of each group member

• A record of each group meeting showing who was present and major decisions taken

• Research summaries of about 300 words, one from each member, containing the response to the question chosen and including appropriate citations (these summaries will be useful in designing the slides to be presented)

• A group conclusion drawing together the research summaries

• Sequence of content in the presentation

• Details of slide template(s)

• Details of collaborative writing/slide design between group members and/or feedback given to individuals

• A list of special features of the presentation e.g. interviewing an IT manager as a resource as part of the preparation, the inclusion of significant visual items in the slides that provide more detailed information and lead to additional stimulation for the audience, a special focus in the delivery that shows flair

• A single, integrated reference list of all resources used by the group; each member should provide references that include at least one book, one journal and one website article; referencing should use the APA standard as in the university’s General guide to referencing.

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Business Management: Develop an understanding of the need for organisational
Reference No:- TGS02944856

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