
Develop an overview of a language arts unit

Project description:

This assignment provides participants to demonstrate how to develop an overview of a language arts unit, utilizing a comprehensive literacy approach and a commitment to critical pedagogies. Each student will connect the unit to curriculum expectations (ONTARIO)- https://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/

This unit plan will take on the design of a design down model of unit planning consistent with ministry expectations and current assessment practices. This planning model emphasizes the implemtation of key curriculum expectations and enduring understandings, which is where we approach learning as inquiry and locate students and student interest as our basis for instructional practices and decisions.

You are required to plan an overview of a language unit, which is a series of lessons that lead directly to a creative and relevant culminating task (final assessment). The lessons must prepare students to complete the culminating task and present the assessment FOR, AS and FOR learning of the expectations chosen for the unit. Please use the template provided. You will be addressing elements of the unit in class to scaffold your thinking and work. Your unit much include the following Plan:

1) the enduring understanding for the unit

2) the over and specific curriculum expectations for the unit

3) essential questions for the unit based on the components of critical literacy

4) What students will know and be able to do by the end of the unit

a. language expectations (focus on higher order)

b. components of critical literacy ** (focusing on multiple view points, common place, sociopolitical and promoting social justice

c. thinking skills (metacognition)

5) Overview of assessment for learning, and of learning tasking (pre and post)

6) Overview of lessons leading to culminating task


1) Learning goals

2) How students will demonstrate their learning to you

3) At least 2 different assessment methods that cover the 4 areas of the acheivement chart (knowledge/understanding, thinking, application, communication)

Lesson Plans:

1) 2 lessons plans that demonstrate the gradual release of responsibility (from unit plan – template also attached)

2) Specific curriculum expectations addressed

3) A variety of instructional strategies that engage critical literacy and culturally relevant pedagogy

4) Detailed description of what students and teachers will be doing throughout the lesson.

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Reference No:- TGS01434282

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