
Develop an original psychological hypothesis


• Part I: Based on what you have learned about statistics in psychology, develop an original psychological hypothesis and explain how you would go about trying to establish the validity (or falsifiability) of the hypothesis. (Note that this is a two-part activity. At the end of this course, you will test and build on your hypothesis.)

• Part II: Research and write about the psychologist Leon Festinger and his theory of cognitive dissonance. Explain the theory with an example. Mention an experience when you, consciously or unconsciously, modified your behavior or attitude to reduce the feelings of dissonance (for example, justifying something you did or bought, which you may have had second thoughts about). Also, research and write about Festinger's social comparison theory, and discuss upward and downward social comparison. Provide examples from your own life where you engaged in this comparison process to assess yourself in comparison to others.

• Part III: There are several decision-making strategies to help people make logical, well-thought-out decisions. Research and write about the five-step (ABCDE) decision-making model. Briefly explain the steps in the model. Then, apply it to making a decision related to a major life goal, such as choosing a college or your next vacation destination. Provide details about how you would proceed through each step of this decision-making model to arrive at a final decision

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