
Develop an organizational quality plan


The following critical elements must be addressed in your completed paper:


The final project for course is the creation of an organizational quality plan in which you will focus on a quality issue experienced by a chosen company.


The focus of the final project is to focus on Volkswagen emissions quality issues and to develop an organizational quality plan.

Critical Elements

1) Company Background and History. Provide a brief company history that includes the company's origins, founders, main products, and services, as well as the industries the company services.

2) Description of Quality Issue. Describe the quality issue and the impact the issue has had on the company.

3) Quality Culture. Describe the company's quality culture and explain whether the culture played a part in the quality issue.

4) Voice of the Customer. Explain the impact the quality issue has had on the company's customers and describe the customers' reactions to the quality issue.

5) Change Management Plan. Provide a detailed plan that includes the following elements to bring about change within the company and to overcome the quality issue.

a) Quality Theories. Explain which quality theories you would follow to bring about change and explain why you chose those theories.

b) Quality Tools and Techniques. Identify at least three quality tools and techniques that you would implement to improve the company's quality.

c) Implementing Change. Explain the process and procedures you would take to implement these changes within the organization.

d) Resistance to Change. Explain some of the potential challenges that may prevent implementation.

6) Expected Outcomes. Provide a summary of the expected outcomes and how these changes will impact the organizational quality culture.

The final project should include a cover page, approximately six to eight pages of content and a reference page. You must use APA format, double spaced, 12 pt Time New Roman and one inch margins and include at least 4 scholarly sources.

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Operation Management: Develop an organizational quality plan
Reference No:- TGS02015687

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