
Develop an operational plan for an organization

Operational Plan:

Problem: Develop an operational plan for an organization of your choice. Create a fictional organization that includes the name, type of business, size of organization, and the product or service that the organization offers. The paper must be between 10-12 papers in length and include five scholarly sources, in addition to the text. Include the following in the assignment:

Develop an organizational chart for the proposed organization.

Include the title of positions and a brief description of the positions' duties and responsibilities.

Figure 7.7 on page 207 of the text provides an example of how to develop the organizational chart.

Define the organization's vision, mission, and values

Outline the basic planning process for the organization and how the three levels of management influence this process.

Explain why the quality, productivity and profitability are important elements in the planning process

Evaluate the relationship between the human resource planning activities and the overall organizational strategy

Discuss the philosophy of management that will be applied to the management of the organization and how the structure of the organization will foster a positive work environment where employees will be motivated and productive.

Compose the steps of control and types of controls included in the control process for the organization.

Writing the Operational Plan

The Final Paper:

Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Plunkett, W. R., Allen, G. S., & Attner, R.F (2013). Management: Meeting and exceeding customer expectations (10th ed.). Mason, OH : South-Western Cengage Learning.

Required Resources:


1. Kiechel, W., III. (2012, November). The management century. Harvard Business Review 90(11) 63-75. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.

2. Leidner, D.E., & Elam, J.J. (1994). Executive information systems: Their impact on executive decision making. Journal of Management Information Systems, 10(3), 139-155. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.

3. Maslow, A.H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.

4. Quinn, R.E., & Kim, C. (1983). Organizational life cycles and shifting criteria of effectiveness: Some preliminary evidence. Management Science, 29(1), 33-51. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.

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Other Management: Develop an operational plan for an organization
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