Develop an ontology for a product category (e.g. chocolate)
Specify 2 intelligent functions/applications that the ontology can support, that are not supported on current online portals
Select either Neo4j (graph database, extra 5%) or Protege (ontology editor). Download and install the free version of the software on your computer, and go through the tutorials/manual
Construct and store the ontology in your selected software.
Populate the ontology with ontology instances (i.e. products) -- at least 2 instances
Suggest how the 2 intelligent functions/applications can be implemented, using your ontology.
Write a report.
Neo4j (graph database): reference card, developer manual
Protege (ontology editor): Protege documentation, OWLViz documentation
Topbraid composer (ontology editor)
Check that all class labels are singular words
Check that all subClassOf (isa) relations are really subClassOf relations. Use the test "A XXX is a YYY" (e.g. "A dog is a mammal")
Check that partOf relations are not subClassOf relations. Recall that partOf relation is not a subsetOf relation
Check that the only relation between an instance and a class is the type (instanceOf) relation
No of Pages/Words : 6 pages