
Develop an intake assessment form for your future clinical

Intake Assessment Form

As you become more familiar with the various forms of psychopathology, you will realize that collecting an accurate and specific history of a client's psychosocial profile is a key element that can assist in establishing a diagnosis.

In this assignment, complete the following:

• Develop an intake assessment form for your future clinical practice. The form should provide the necessary information for you to make a competent diagnosis.

• Your intake assessment form should be written as a three- to four-page questionnaire with questions to aid in gathering relevant information to do the following:

- Form diagnostic impressions
- Complete a differential diagnosis

• Your questionnaire should tap into key areas of developmental, social, emotional, medical, behavioral, psychological, and athletic performance functioning.

• Your intake assessment form should contain the following components:

- Identifying information
- Presenting problem
- Symptomatology
- Developmental history
- Educational history
- Family history
- Medical history
- Athletic/performance history

• Develop specific questions to obtain detailed information about these components. You are welcome to review intake assessment measures you have access to professionally, or you can conduct research to locate and view examples of intake assessment forms.

• The level of detail within these sections is up to your discretion as well as the inclusion of additional components (such as checklists or diagrams).

Note: This assessment tool will become an essential part of your professional portfolio. When meeting with clients or performing consulting services, completing an assessment form enables you to organize and categorize pertinent data essential for diagnostic success. After developing your own intake assessment form, you will be given opportunities later in the course to use it to practice diagnostic exercises.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

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Dissertation: Develop an intake assessment form for your future clinical
Reference No:- TGS02785541

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